Note: Information listed on this page applies to in-person program offerings.
Community Welfare
UCI Housing is committed to maintaining high standards of safety and security in the various communities. It is imperative that all residents and their guests understand the importance of safety and security, as well as proactively work to maintain its continuance. COSMOS conforms to these standards.
Emergency Blue Phones
Emergency Blue Phones are available throughout campus for a direct emergency line to the UCI Police Department. These phones, once activated, can monitor callers from a long range and automatically let the police dispatcher know the location from which you are calling.
The Middle Earth staff live on site and provide lock-up and lockout services. All of the hall’s exterior doors are locked 24 hours a day. To further ensure a safe environment do not prop any of the doors open. Exterior doors are checked nightly at 11:00pm. In an emergency, dial 911 from any phone to connect to the Police. UCI also has its own Police Department located on campus.
Personal Safety
Taking responsibility for your personal safety is imperative in a community living environment. Although the RAs do safety rounds at night and police services are available, you need to take action to safeguard yourself. Please observe the following safety measures:
- Carry your keys at all times.
- Do not lend your key to anyone.
- Do not walk alone at night.
- Do not walk in unlit areas.
- Do not prop interior or exterior doors open.
- Report any non-locking doors and windows to your RA or the Middle Earth Housing office.
- Report unsafe or suspicious items or persons to the Middle Earth Housing office and/or the UCI Campus Police (911).